Episode 103

Intergenerational Transmission

How abuse and trauma gets passed down through the generations and where the cycle can end.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for The Impolite Psychologist
The Impolite Psychologist
Not Therapy; Just the world through the lens of someone who happens to be a psychologist.

About your host

Profile picture for Impolite Psychologist

Impolite Psychologist

I am a properly licensed psychologist who grew up on one coast in a place where people wore their hearts on their sleeve. For my adult life, I live on the other coast where it's more important to be polite. I don't give up a lot of details about who I am because I'm not looking for fame/recognition. I am more importantly looking to take my life and work experience and be honest with the world about my observations. As a known psychologist, I would have to be much more careful and edit everything I say. As an unknown psychologist, I may be offensive, but able to speak my truth. I hope you enjoy the ride with me!